Alternative "definitions"
Since square dancing has a lot of vocabulary, some calls can be described in many ways. Sometimes these might be easier to remember than the real definition; other times they might just be silly / fun. Here's a collection of some I've come up with.
- plusspin chain thru: piecewise generous thirdly fractal 4/5 any hand swing the fractions
- pluscrossfire: couples 1/4 twosome trade (from 2FL)
- plusscoot back: tandem twosome trade
- plusdouble pass thru: cross concentric pass thru
- pluspass the ocean: fractal fan the top
- pluslinear cycle: hinge, circulate, couple up (works for advanced too)
- pluspeel off: tandem 1/4 twosome u turn back outwards
- A2trail off: tandem 1/4 twosome trade
- A2pass & roll: (touch and) scoot back and circulate
- C1recycle: hinge, ends drag the centers couples hinge. This works for both facing couples recycle and box recycle!
- C1plenty: little, split circ 2, rewind (left) little. This feels like the "right" way to think of this call. (It's also a conjugation.) Choose the mirroredness of the rewind little such that you turn in roll direction at the end.
- C2grand single cross trade & wheel: hinge, grand working as centers catch 1. Similar things go for the rest of the family.
- C2walk out to a wave: #1-#3 are tandems of 3 1/4 threesome, box circulate; trailing ends run
- C2grand chain eight: funny right pull by, mirror 1/2 circulate, hinge like a couple up. This is definitely the "right" way to think of the call, in my opinion.
- C2stack the line: tandem partner 1/2 tag. Another "morally correct" definition to me.
- C3Aplan ahead: 1±1/2 circulate, hinge, cross concentric vertical 3/4∓1/4 tag, new ends working (rewind hinge and) roll as if you could. This is really silly.
- C3Aflare out to a line: couples twosome 1/2 zoom
- C3Alink up: couples 1/4 twosome peel and trail
- C3Arally: little, triple boxes 1/2 zoom, very centers trade
- C3Acentral rally: "swing, slip". This is completely wrong, but it's homotopic to the right thing!
- C3B(n) steps at a time: first (n) are tandem (n)some 1/4 solid, grand peel and trail and roll
- C3Bgood show: ends working stable couple up. This one is particularly well known, I think.
- C3Brevolve to a wave: leading belles u turn back (away from center), recycle
- C4replace the column: tandem tandem 1/2 twosome single (left) loop and 1/2 tag. The tag is left if from a RH column, right otherwise.
- C4triple cast: ends (of each wave) disconnected fan back, finish it