This portfolio showcases many of the various programming projects
I've worked on over the years.
Each project in my portfolio is labeled
by programming language
and how close to completed it is
(I have a lot of unfinished side projects).
You can click on the icons to view larger images.
Android app with tuner, metronome, and piano
(more info)
fractal flame generator
I wrote for CodeDay Houston
in winter of 2015
with a friend;
won one of the four awards given out at the end of the event
online dashboard for Infuse Energy
consolidating all internal company tools
records GIF screencasts of a window
with keystrokes overlaid
(successor of mkcast
with 3,000+ stars on GitHub)
server which provides an online interface
for hosting Only Connect wall-style puzzles
and solving them with others remotely
lightweight vim plugin
that adds support for inserting snippets / templates
into files
the static site generator that serves as the backend for this website
feature-rich chat server
with multiple clients,
fine-grained permissions,
pinned and starred messages,
terminal-based Hacker News client
with full keyboard control
adjudicator for
the Diplomacy board game,
capable of generating SVG maps and supporting several variants
database for storing commentary on chess openings
with variant support
(currently only atomic)
userscript that embeds all Stack Exchange chatrooms into one page
through popup widgets
very simple terminal stopwatch and countdown timer
i3 config file preprocessor
to reduce repetition
(successor of i3bang)
tool for generating visual reference sheets
for keyboard shortcuts
extremely simple (5-line) shell script
to transform webDiplomacy games
into animated GIFs
vim port of the glorious
hot dog stand
colorscheme from Windows 3.1
Telegram bot
with a highly extensive set of commands
the program that generated my display picture
(and the various themed versions)
userscript that adds vim-like keyboard shortcuts
to Stack Exchange chat
app, userscript, and userstyle
that provided a better user experience
to my high school website
somewhat minimalist esoteric programming language
with 25 instructions
esoteric programming language
where the source code is entirely capital letters
unreadable esoteric programming language
that makes you allocate your own memory
plugin for the Plover stenography engine
which logs inefficient strokes to a file for later review
script that generates a webpage
containing a summary of all possible modes and key signatures
(via Lilypond)
an online clone of the game Cards Against Humanity
(with custom decks)
a tool for zsh which binds various shortcuts
(e.g. git commands, jump to directory, compile project, etc)
to semicolon typed at an empty prompt
paranoid fork of neovim geared towards editing private files
by disabling swap, encrypting files, etc.
interactive unit-aware RPN calculator
a quiz to help improve mental hex/binary arithmetic
and base conversion skills
vim plugin that adds generic text objects
that match any delimiter