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Square dancers like the word "cross" a lot, but it doesn't always mean the same thing. This is an attempt to systematize the definition.

I think "cross" can best be split into three senses:

  1. "full cross": The call ends in line spots (there might be phantoms). Reflect your ending position across the center line perpendicular to the line.
  2. "split cross": The call ends with a partner (who might be a phantom). Reflect your ending position across the center line perpendicular to the handhold.
  3. "piecewise cross": Make the following replacements: extend → cross extend, clover → cross clover, run → cross run, fold → cross fold, peel → trail, cast back/divide → cross cast back/cross divide, pass thru → cross trail thru (including partner tag), (2/3) recycle → (2/3) cross cycle, 1/4 tag pass thru → 1/4 tag jaywalk (like in chain reaction).

There are a few outliers (e.g. C3Bcross cycle from waves and C4cross linear cycle are more like rewind cross rewind), but this gets most things:

full cross examples

split cross examples

piecewise cross examples

The pieces being crossed are given after each call.

combined cross examples